What to do in the Carpathians in autumn?

Autumn is a great time to travel to the Carpathians.
At this time of year, the mountains are shrouded in the bright colours of autumn, and the air is filled with freshness and aromas of pine forests. If you are going to visit the Carpathians in autumn, here are some ideas of what you can do in this beautiful region.
First tip.
Hiking in the mountains: The Carpathians offer incredible opportunities for outdoor enthusiasts. Autumn walks along the mountain trails will give you an unforgettable experience. Don’t forget to take your camera with you to capture the vivid autumn scenery.

Second tip.
Visit waterfalls: The Carpathians are famous for their beautiful waterfalls. Autumn is a great time to visit them, as they are especially beautiful at this time of year. Shypit, Vorota, Probiy waterfalls are all striking in their power and majesty.

Third tip.
Mushroom walks: The Carpathians are a paradise for mushroom pickers. In autumn, you can find a huge number of different types of mushrooms. Test your mushroom picking skills and enjoy delicious dishes made from the mushrooms you find.

Fourth tip.
Visit national parks: The Carpathian National Parks are unique natural areas that are well worth a visit. In the parks, you can walk along the trails, enjoy the scenic views and observe the local flora and fauna.

Fifth tip.
Fishing: The Carpathians are known for their rivers and lakes, where you can go fishing. In autumn, the reservoirs are usually full of fish, so it’s an ideal time for fishing enthusiasts (but only with permission!).

Come to this beautiful region and discover all the charm of the autumn Carpathian region.